North Country Muskies...
First off, I want to give you all a great big thank you for your kind words and encouragement as of late. Some incredible things have been happening on the water, and the responses I've received from so many of you have really hit home. It is for that very reason that I really enjoy what I do, and makes me continue to strive for greatness. You all know who you are, and thank you so much!
Now on to the latest and greatest! This past weekend I strapped up the boat and headed north. I was invited to a wedding for two of my favorite people on earth. Congratulations to Nick and Bryna the newlyweds! With the wedding coming to an end on Saturday and having another day and a half to spare, two of my college friends, Noah Wendorf and his wife Michelle, decided that we would use that time to fish. It was a great time on the water to say the least, and one that I won't soon forget.
Our goal was to learn a new lake and to obviously catch some fish. Combined, Noah and I had about 3 hours of fishing on the lake in our lifetimes, so it was basically starting from scratch. Right along on the journey was his wife Michelle, bringing her newfound passion for the muskellunge. One of the coolest parts of the growing sport of musky fishing, is seeing the amount of women getting involved. You could just see the passion that she had, and wanted that muskie encounter as much, if not more than the rest of us. It was very cool.
Sunday morning we were on a search and destroy mission to locate fish and come up with a pattern. It took about 10 casts to find the first fish of the day, but that would only lead into the rest of what we would experience. That fish came unhooked, and so did the rest. In fact, it was extremely good fishing, but left us with nothing each and every time we had a strike. We fished Sunday morning and then came back out for the evening/night bite. By the time our day came to a close, we had in the neighborhood of 20 plus encounters and several lost hook-ups. It was cool, but actually quite disheartening that they all managed to get away. Joining us throughout the day was Ryan and the newlywed Nick to experience some of the action we had. Just a perfect day on the water, minus the fish of course.
Monday we were bound and determined. We had found way to many active fish to go home empty handed. We hit the water early and we had the muskie mojo going immediately. This proved to be a good thing, and resulted in our first fish of the day. Not huge, but a great feeling after being defeated so many times. After a few more missed opportunities, our time was running out. We were limited to a couple of quick hours on the water to allow for travel, but before we had to leave, we wanted to return to what we called "the pod" for one last shot at the big ones. Wouldn't you know it, the muskie God's were shining down on us, and our last cast of the day produced a beast of a fish. Noah had his second of the day, and all the work we put into learning that new lake will forever be remembered as an extreme success. Its always great to experiment on new waters, and that feeling of success is all the more sweet once you put it all together. The three of us shared this excitement at the end of our trip, and will likely go down as one of my favorites of the entire 2009 season. I want to give a shout out to Noah, Michelle, Ryan, Jen, Nick and Bryna for a wonderful weekend. From the muskie filled waters of the north country, keep on livin' the dream!
Travis Frank - -
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