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Girls Gone Walleye...Part 2

The Schara family decided to have a rematch of our 4th of July fishing tournament on Leech Lake. So we divided our teams the same as last year, with defending champions “Girls Gone Walleye” vs. “Walleye World”.

“Girls Gone Walleye” again consists of my mom Denise, my friend Jill and myself. “Walleye World” is guided by my dad, with my sister and Troy as fishing partners. Our guide Bro Brosdahl greeted us with big smiles and greeting of “Are we ready to take the championiship for the 2nd year?” We shot out a ”Go Girls Gone Walleye!” and we were off. The competition rules were the same as last year. There are 3 points up for grabs. First point, is for the first walleye caught which, by the way, is the most important point to grab as it can never be taken away. The second is for the most walleye caught and the third point is for the biggest walleye. My mom was the one to capture that point with a nice 16” walleye. Bro being a great guide, motivator and cheerleader kept the momentum going and the energy high all day. Jill brought in the point for the largest walleye landing a 28” Walter. Not that we needed that third point of catching the most fish as we had won our 2nd championship...but we did sweep it with catching the most walleye (is that bragging?). My best catch being 25” and a few more keepers. All in all it was a fun & entertaining day on Leech Lake, thanks to Bro, the best fishing guide in the area. Girls Gone Walleye takes the trophy again for 2009...at this rate, for 2010, we may need official uniforms and a sponsor or two...ha!

Should you be interested in having Bro show you where the Walleye’s are at, his contact information is: bro@brosguideservice.com

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