So following family tradition, I was up at the cabin for the 4th of July festivities which I look forward to every year. My father mentioned that he had set up a day of fishing for all 6 of us on Leech Lake. His friend "Bro" was a guide that resides in the area and knew the lake well; so we were, according to my dad, "guaranteed" to catch fish.
I said "sign me up!".
It was terribly windy that day and if you have ever been on Leech Lake on a windy day, the "walleye chop" and the LARGE waves were at a maximum to say the least. Bro our guide was so enthusiastic about catching fish it was contagious...my friend Jill, my mom and I hopped into his boat. My dad, sister Simone and Clay hopped into Dad’s Crestliner and we were off and the competition was on.
We came up with three ways to win our homemade competition...it was the best out of three categories: 1) who ever had the first catch, that was a point, 2) who ever had the largest fish, that was a point...and 3) who ever caught the most fish, that was a point. My mom, Jill and I decided our appropriate team name would be "Girls Gone Walleye" and as they afternoon went on we certainly deserved that title.
I got the first fish hooked and as I looked at Bro's excitement, I new it was big...however it had been awhile since I reeled in a walleye and I lost it. VERY close to the boat. Bro's smile turned upside down as he told me "shoot!...that fish was close to 29 inches!"...my walleye moral sank a little too...but the day was early so we forged ahead. Before you know it Jill and I hooked two fish at the exact same time and it was on. Jill reeled her fish in first, mine second and we were two fish ahead of the other boat...we let them know it. You would have thought the Leech Lake cheer leading squad was on the boat and we got a nice thumbs up from the competition in the Crestliner.
Well numerous bites and earth worms later, I caught a 25" walleye, my mom continuously caught perch, giving her the title "Princess Perch" and Jill was on a roll too...the interesting thing is that the other boat wasn't. I could see the growing frustration on my dad's face as the day went on and our cheers erupted as they remained silent. There wasn't any thumbs up coming our direction anymore. We even passed over the exact spinner bait we were using and that didn't seem to do the trick either.
As the day came to a close, "Girls Gone Walleye" had obviously won our own version of a fishing tournament... much to the dismay of the other boat.
I think it was a combination of a two things, girl power and a really good guide. So good, my dad said "Next time we go out...I am fishing with Bro and you girls are on your own in my boat."
"No problem!" I said with weary confidence....looks like I’d better sign up for a class on "How to read a depth finder."