Mixed Nuts? Yep....

Maybe I'm getting old, but it seems people sometimes take this world for granted. Exactly why my recent fishing trip to meet Minnesota 's Mixed Nuts proved so profound. The Mixed Nuts takes a little explaining. Bear with me. The group's story starts a long time ago (40 + years ago). Five Minnesota buddies traveled and fished together up north. One year, Willard Eggan, one of the four, invited his son, Terry, to come along on the trip. As Terry tells it, he worried "about going fishing with a bunch of old farts". Terry thought he'd talk to his buddy, Lyle Hookom, to see if he wanted to go along too. Lyle's response? "I don't want to go fishing with a bunch of old farts!". Long story short...Terry and Lyle went along with the older guys and had an absolute blast. Terry found he and his dad bonded and communicated more than ever before. Thereafter, Terry kinda vowed to keep the streak of trips
with his dad and the "old guys" alive. Thirty years later, the Mixed Nuts are stronger than ever. Twice a year, the guys head North. In the spring, it's Ontario walleyes and smallies on houseboats. Each fall, the Nuts visit Leech Lake and Hiawatha Beach 's 8-bedroom cabin. The youngest guy on the fall trip was 27-years-old. The oldest? Let's just say, 90-plus years old (you're welcome Hawk). The guys fish, hang out around the campfire, play cards....all the regular stuff guys in Fish camp do. They there are the pirates..... Yes, pirates. See, when a Mixed Nut turns 80-years-old, he is absolved of his duties to cook
and clean-up. But not before facing the Mixed Nuts' pirate tribunal. This year, Sven faced the rowdy crowd. After a few ARRRRghs, walking the plank, and taking a pirate cake to the face, Sven became a "KP-Free" man. Amazing when you consider Sven's spring trip with the Mixed Nuts.... They guys were fishing for a week off of housboats some 30 miles back in the Ontario bush. One night, Sven awoke about 3 a.m. He wanted to close the window in his room, but didn't have the strength. Turns out the 80-year-old was having a major heart
attack. Also turns out that the Mixed Nuts had purchased first responder equipment (oxygen, general first aid stuff, defibrillator) that goes along on every trip. That gear, along with the knowledge of two Mixed Nuts, Jack Hacking and Bill Nelson (one a former Eden Prairie Public Safety Chief and a North Memorial medic), saved Sven's life. They boated him out to a car which transported him to a waiting ambulance, which zipped Sven down to the Town of Rainy River where he was stabilized, then moved across the border to Baudette where a medical helicopter was waiting. Sven tells of asking the pilot where they were taking him. The pilot responded, "Fargo." Sven said, "No way! I want to go to Minneapolis" Sven remembers the guy in the medic suit punching numbers on the calculator and proclaiming, "A trip to Minneapolis will cost you $9,000". Sven's responded, "Will you take a check or do I need cash?". Ninety minutes later, the helicopter landed in Minneapolis and another Mixed Nut lived to see yet another
Mixed Nuts fishing trip. A great story with a great ending! Anyways, after the pirate escapades, the guys ended up out front of the Hiawatha Beach cabin where they were obligated to burn nearly a cord-and-a-half of wood in just three evenings. Fish by day, cards and campfires by evening. Hats off to the crew! You guys were an absolute pleasure to fish with and I can't wait until your story hits the air sometime next spring!
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