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It's All About The Great People You Meet On The Water...

So, There were were, out doing a little bass fishing the other night when three guys in a canoe rolled up next to the Triton. We had a great talk with locals Trent Senske, Brandon Juarez, and Zach Biagini.  When they eventually paddled away, I yelled over to remind them to find us if they happened to hook up with a big fish. Well, just before dark that evening, fishing partner Jacob Gibb and I noticed a tiny canoe out on the horizon headed our direction.  Ten minutes later,  up paddle the three, and Trent quickly held up his catch.  After a few quick photos by Jacob, the big ol' bass went back to the murky depths, a look of embarrassment on its fishy face.  That's the great thing about fishing. You just never know who you'll run into on the water. By the way, can anyone guess where we were fishing that night?  Great job guys! Hope we get a chance to fish together someday! 

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  • Response
    No idea where you were fishing but thank you for sharing your adventures and your encounters with great people!

Reader Comments (2)

Thats a great looking fish there!! Thanks for the blog bill!!

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterzach biagini

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