The Boy About The Woods

Okay, it's time to put down the fishing poles, the shotguns, the rifles, all that stuff for ten minutes. I've got a story to tell you. And it starts with me.....crying. Call this Man About The Woods sentimental. I've been pretty teary-eyes that last 72 hours. Why? Well, consider this a story of close calls. Let me explain. Thanksgiving Day, Katie and I headed to Grandpa and Grandma's house for Thankgsiving dinner. Katie, for those of you who don't know, is 9 months pregnant. We took a few family photos and called it an evening. Next morning, Katie was having a few stomach pains, what we figured were contractions. That was about 7 a.m. About 10:30, the contractions were a little closer together (about 8-15 minutes apart) and we figured baby Sherck was on his/her way. For those who aren't familiar with this kinda stuff, the doctors tell Dad to drive Mom to hospital only after Mom's contractions are about five minutes apart, lasting one minute apiece. Oh, and that's gotta go on for an hour. Anyway, I digress. About 11 a.m., I called the hospital to ask them about Katie's contractions. "This is your first, take your time at home. Wait for the contractions to get closer. It's going to be a long day, etc" That's the answer we got from the hospital. I wasn't convinced, so I called our doctor's office. Got the same answer. Katie was hurting a bit, so I made the call, packed everyone into the Jeep and headed for North Memorial Hospital. Okay, the timeline becomes a little important here. We left at 11:31 a.m. Drive time to the hospital? Right at 30 minutes (we timed it out a couple on a couple of drives). As we zipped along, Katie's contractions suddenly got closer and closer together. Ten minutes out from the hospital, they were coming about two minutes apart....Then one
minute apart. Of course, we got stuck behind some old guy on the side streets headed to the hospital. We pulled up to the hospital and I walked Katie in. She was hunched over and hurting. We couldn't find anyone to help us, so she leaned up against a counter, pretty much yelling, while I tracked down a volunteer and a wheelchair. I then wheeled Katie to an elevator and up to the third floor. Funny to watch the two old guys in the elevator as Katie's sitting there yelling and screaming. The one guy stepped out on the wrong floor. When his buddy told him it was the wrong floor, he gestured like he couldn't take what was going on in the elevator. Funny. Finally on the third floor, the nurses got Katie into a room. It was strange to see Katie in such pain, yet the nurse took her time, getting chatty with us, "Oh, hello folks, how was your Thanksgiving?" "Oh, is this your first baby." SHUT UP AND HELP! She checked Katie and quickly changed
her pace as she realized the baby was already headed out! One quick room change with a dozen scrambling doctors and nurses and Brady Michael Sherck came into the world about two minutes later. Birth time? 12:08. Yep, 37 minutes after we left the house. Holy smokes. Had we not left the very moment we did, Brady would have been born in the Jeep. No thanks.. We're all home now, getting no sleep, trying to figure out some sort of routine, but Mom's doing well, baby's doing well and Dad's just sitting around crying a little bit. Can't blame me. I have a son...
PS: Work, I won't be in for at least a week.
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Reader Comments (6)
CONGRATS!!!! What a great looking boy! Good call on leaving the house early. Yeah for the Shercks!
I knew you could do it Bill. Uh I mean, I knew you could get Bill through this Katie! What a precious gift! Congrats to both of you, and Brady as well, as you follow this new beginning along the path that is the circle of life.
Yeeaah... Way to go... Congrats.....
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