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It's Sunday. Why Not?

Well,   Yesterday I had planned to chase late season muskies, but after walking outside and checking out the weather, I decided my fishing partners might not be up for such an intense experience.   28 degrees and a pretty stiff wind. Downright cold.   Most folks aren't up for standing still in a boat for five hours in that kind of weather.  So, buddies Aaron, Jacob and I decided to wade the ol' Mississippi River for a few hours.  A good choice.  We zipped out and walked up river just north of Monticello. Our fishing adventure started slowly, with only one or two fish in the first hour.  Things were so slow, I kept switching up rigs, trying to figure out what the fish might want.  I started with a jig and minnow.  Then I went to tube baits.  I even tried a spinner for a bit.  No luck.  Meantime Aaron was having some luck on his jig and minnow combination.  funny, but when I eventually switched back to a simple  1/4 ounce jig tipped with a minnow,  the fish turned on.  In all, we caught a couple dozen smallmouth and a few were in the two pound range. What a great feeling to wrestle bronzed-back bruisers, standing waist deep in fairly warm water. Yep, that first stretch of water below the power plant up there runs warm, twelve months a year.  Don't worry, the water's clean. The power plant simply uses river water to cool its turbines. Eventually, Aaron found a pod of small walleyes and decided to take a few home for dinner.  Not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon.  Certainly better than sitting at home and watching the Vikings lose to Tampa Bay.  Oh, and we never seemed to notice the cold wind and the cold.  Funny how that works....



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