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Grandpa Sherck

Ed J. Sherck

Well, Some sad news on the outdoor front.  I lost one of my favorite fishing buddies yesterday.  Grandpa Sherck is gone at 91 years old.    He will be sorely missed, but he and I had a lot of years  to sit and trade outdoor stories.   In fact,  I was just out to see him two weeks ago.  To a kid like me, Grandpa was larger than life.   He was the guy who ran a very successful business building houses in Wooster, Ohio. He was the guy  who eventually tinkered in Ohio Oil (what fun to visit the wells with Grandpa).  He was the guy who grew up fishing Lake Erie and the Ottawa River up in Quebec.  He was the Moose hunter who walked the Canadian bush with a Mauser 98.  Some of my favorite stories are about Grandpa's flying days.  He was a weekend bush pilot  who flew a Cessna 170 Cessna 170from Wooster up into Canada.  He would land at the local airstrip, roll the plane down the local road to the marina,  guys would winch up his plane, drop in on his floats, push it down the muddy banks to the water and then Grandpa would lift off and fly to Fort Coulonge on the Ottowa River.  The family cabin was up there. The Shercks wandered the woods and fished the waters.  Back in the day before big boats and modern gear, Dad and Grandpa would get stuck across the river when bad weather hit.  That meant fending for themselves in the woods. Although I never got to see the Ottawa River spots firsthand, I feel like I was there.  Like I said, Grandpa and I traded a lot of stories over the years.   In fact, I now have all his slides. I'm sure I'll sit down a lot and click in a few trays from the old spots.  Grandpa he helped teach me to fish.  He taught me the maple syrup business.  Sherck's Sugar ShackSee, when most kids would head off to spring break growing up, we'd visit the farm in Wooster and make syrup. Oh,   Three Generations of Fishermendid I mention the stream that ran through his property?  I suppose that's where I got the itch to wander trout waters.  Yep, Grandpa was larger than life.   Of course, I could wax endlessly about  all he taught me.  I'll keep it short and just say I suppose Dad (who is, of course,  my other favorite fishing buddy and teacher) will just have  to fish a little harder and enjoy the smell of the woods a little more each time we head out.  It'll be our way of remembering Grandpa Sherck...

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Reader Comments (7)

Grandpa Sherck sounds like he was quite the guy. It's easy to see where Bill gets his sense of adventure and love for the outdoors. Carry on your adventures in the sky, Grandpa Sherck.

October 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFlyflicker

I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa, Bill. He sounds like a great guy and I'm sure he will be missed.

October 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSara

Sorry for your loss, but it sounds like there is a part of him inside you. I am sure he is very proud of what you have become and loved to hear your stories as well. I have no doubt, then when you are out there fishing, your grandpa will be standing right behind you watching you as you cast......and smiling..

It's amazing, a dear friend of mine lost his grandfather the same day. They share many interests as you and your grandfather...perhaps the grandpa's will meet up, go fishing and talk about their wonderful grandsons...

Best wishes to you and your family....

October 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBean

God Bless!

October 6, 2008 | Registered CommenterDue North Editor

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