Ron%20Schara%20and%20Raven.jpgRon Schara

Telling stories about the outdoors, meeting people who appreciate the wonders of nature...This has been the experience of Ron Schara for more than 30 years. His writings and observations capture the essence of the natural world. As his newsaper popularity gre in the Midwest, Ron began painting pictures with both words and video to share his love for the outdoors.

Now in its 14th year, Ron Schara's award-winning television show Mnnesota Bound airs on Kare-11 in the Twin Cities, as well as Duluth, Rochester and Fargo. His Labrador retreiver, Raven, is the star of the show.

Critics regard Ron as America's premiere outdoor storyteller. Such Praise has earned him a national following.  Versus television's weekend morning line-up features his show Backroads with Ron and Raven.  Ron also hosts another show on the Versus channel called Pheasants Forever Television.  The Show, in its second year, appeals to outdoor enthusiasts by focusing on pheasant hunting, habitat restoration and conservation efforts. 

Ron's show called "The Outdoor Beat" brings outdoor personalities, wildlife issues and adrenaline-pumping adventures to ESPN2.  He is the voice of Rocky's Geared Up on the Outdoor Channel, and comes to you right here on Due North Outdoors as a regular guest of the show. 

You can catch Ron on th Radio as well with two radio shows that he hosts on WCCO (830 AM) at 5:30 am Saturday mornings called "Minnesota Outdoors" and on Monday nights from 8:00 to 9:30 pm on "Live Outdoors."

As an award-winning outdoor columnist for the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Ron spent years telling his tales.  While Ron has stepped down from his paper duties, you can still catch an article from time to time when Ron writes a special article for the Star Triib.  To see his unique take on the wilds and waters, read Ron's articles online here.

Telling stories delights Ron.  He's got quite a tale of his own.  Ron grew up in northeast Iowa's rugged bluff country where his love of nature took him to Iowa State University.  He majored in both journalism and fish and wildlife biology.  Now, through television, newspaper and radio success, Ron has become a vital resource and champion for outdoor issues.

Ron is a member of the National Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame as well as the Minnesota Hall of Fame where he resides.