Big Trout and a Reel From Grandpa....
Friday, September 19, 2008 at 11:53AM
Bill Sherck

So, last night was kind of a special night.  I snuck away from work mid-afternoon and headed south with fishing buddy,  J Flyflicker.  Trout season closes in a few weeks and we wanted to see if the early fall trout have moved back into their watery haunts now that stream temps are starting to drop.  Last night was special on several fronts.  First, Flyflicker's never seen a big trout out of my favorite trout haunt.  Secondly, I had my Grandfather's reel along.  Grandpa Sherck recently passed down the reel for my safekeeping.  Turns out that reel was his first back in the 20s or 30s....It's a piece of gear I will always cherish and I looked forward to fighting my first fish on that reel.  I had several trout come to my flies quickly.   After three or four fish in hand, I took a moment to thank Grandpa and then moved upstream to see how Flyflicker was handing the stream.  He was catching creek chubs on a Wooley Bugger.  He switched out to nymphs and we headed upstream to a couple of my favorite trouty haunts.   On his first cast into the quick stretch of water, his strike indicator twitched and we both saw the flash of a fish just below the surface.  Flyflicker quickly recast , only to see his indicator dive quickly.  He set the hook and a giant brown trout instantly broke the surface and jumped, body completely out of the water.  Flyflicker turned to me, looking like he had just seen a ghost and chirped out a few words unrepeatable here.  Can't blame him. It was the biggest trout either of us had seen this year. At best guess, 20 to 22 inches.  He turned back and fought the big brown back downstream.  The fish completely cleared the water a second time. Incredible to see. Finally, Flyflicker worked the big fish towards us.  I offered my ballcap to help corral the fish.  Flyflicker politely refused the hat and then, almost instantly, the fish slashed and broke free. We both watched in disbelief as the giant trout ducked back into the deep water.

Big Trout:  1
Flyflicker:   0

Flyflicker mumbled under his breath for a few moments, poured a handful of salt and pepper sunflower seeds into his mouth and sourly recast.  Instantly, his strike indicator twitched, he set the hook an a few seconds later, brought his first trout to hand.  Much, much smaller than the first fish, but still a great catch.  

Big Trout: 1
Flyflicker:  1

He cast a couple more times into the hole, without much action. Next cast, another solid fish hit.  He didn't stick around long and Flyflicker turned in frustration and asked, "what's up?"  "Nothing wrong", I said. "Sometimes the fish win..."

Big Trout:  2
Flyflicker:   1

The two of us gently waded upstream, just a few feet at a time, Flyflicker casting to fresh water as we slowly lost our light.  Just about 7:15 I spotted a nice fish and pointed it out to Flyflicker.   He didn't see it, but continued to cast.   A minute or so later, I continue upstream a bit and looked back as Flyflicker was twitching and jerking his rod like we was caught on the bottom.  That's about the time his line moved across the current and we both noticed a very solid brown trout on the end of his line.  After a very good fight,  Flyflicker wrestled the fish towards us and this time, I didin't give him the option.  I used my TFO hat to cradle the fish in the water.  Flyflicker gently removed the fly, we snapped a few, quick pictures, and the fish disappeared into the water.  Flyflicker grinned like a kid.... 

Big Trout:  2
Flyflicker:   2

 We soon lost our light to the cool fall night and found ourselves having a hard time trying to tie knots in the dark.  We quickly tied on "mousin' " flies and stronger line and wandered off into darkness in search of more big browns. Ever been "mousin' " ?  That's a story for another night......

Article originally appeared on Due North Outdoors (
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