Passing on the Passion...
Monday, August 18, 2008 at 10:37AM
Bill Sherck

At the end of essentially every show our company produces, we make sure to ask folks to introduce someone new to the outdoors or get a kid outside and take them fishing.  It's no secret; Minnesota and Wisconsin fishing and hunting license sales are down, not just a bit, but drastically.  Exactly why we need to make sure kids get outside and have a positive experience on the water or in the woods.  How tackle this?  I've had a few great conversations with Minnesota's new Department of Natural Resource's mentor program administrator, Mike Kurre. His take on how we get this done?  Tackle one kid at a time.   No sweat when you've got a couple of  sisters-in-law like I've got.

Each summer,  the Sherck clan takes a trip with the Becker Clan.  For Zoie, Ellie  and me, it's kinda like our annual fishing trip.  Our recipe is pretty simple. The Triton Allure, a couple boxes of nightcrawlers, a few jigs on slip bobber rigs, a few docks and weedlines and you've got the stuff positive experiences are made of.   Keep in mind, we didn't hit the water at 6 a.m. and fish until dark.  I think our longest trip of the weekend was two hours.  Just get them out, let them fish a bit, take a break to swim, have treats and drinks on board and  you'll be surprised by the results.  I think the girls' pictures speak for themselves!   Way to go Ellie and Zoie!

Kelly Weiner, our operations manager here in the office, did just the same thing this weekend. She and her dad had young fisherman Hayden Weiner up at Voyageurs National Park chasing walleyes.  Guess what?  Hayden got his big catch and seemed to have a smile as wide as that fish!  Introduce a kid to the great outdoors, we say.  Who knows, the results might just blow you away!  Way to go Hayden! 

Oh, and the best part of these fishing trips often come at the end.  After big fish have been caught, hi-fives and fish handshakes exchanged, hop in the water, hook up the tube, and enjoy summer.  Isn't that what life in the Northwoods is all about?  Oh, and Ellie, you might need to keep working on your technique for waterskiing. We'll work on it....

Up next, I'm off to Brainerd's Fishing Has No Boundaries event Friday and Saturday.  I can't wait to make a few, new friends and hopefully help them catch a few fish in the process!  To help with the cause, visit

Article originally appeared on Due North Outdoors (
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