Loss of Another Great Fisherman
Monday, October 13, 2008 at 12:42PM
Bill Sherck

Well, it's been a heck of a couple of weeks.  Just got news that longtime fisherman Mel Krieger passed away after a very short battle with brain cancer.    Mel had just turned 80 years old.  Mel was, without a doubt, one of two or three of the most influential fly fishermen on the planet.  His teachings, his books, his dvds and, most importantly, his beliefs essentially opened up fly fishing to generations of fishermen and women.  I was lucky enough to spend a little time with Mel as part of the Hooked on a Cure events in Arkansas and Colorado. www.hookedonacure.com .    If you haven't read any of Mel's work, check it out.  I wonder who will eventually fill shoes like Mel's....

Article originally appeared on Due North Outdoors (http://duenorthoutdoors.squarespace.com/).
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